All articles are reviewed by independent referees from among the best international specialists on the subject. They read the article to guarantee its value, positioning, soundness, the technical quality of its content, its scientific basis, its references to related works, and its clarity. We are grateful to them for this helpful involvement in the success of Aerospace Lab.
We would like to give public thanks to the following referees for the efficiency of their contributions to Issue 8:
Ass. Prof. Cristina BARRADO
UPC Barcelona-Tech - Castelldefels, Spain
Dr. Silvère BONNABEL
Mines Paris Tech - Paris, France
Prof. François CHAUMETTE
IRISA - Rennes, France
LIRMM - Montpellier, France
Dr. Abdelhamid CHRIETTE
École Centrale de Nantes / IRCCyN - Nantes, France
Prof. Stephane DONCIEUX
ISIR - Paris, France
Dr. Alexandre EUDES
ISIR - Paris, France
Prof. Andrea GARULLI
Universita degli Studi di Siena - Siena, Italia
Ass. Prof. Roberto NALDI
Universita di Bologna - Bologna, Italia
Duc-Kien PHUNG
ISIR - Paris, France
Ass. Prof. Paul POUNDS
University of Queensland - Queensland, Australia
Dr. Daniele PUCCI
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Genova, Italia
Prof. Patrick RIVES
INRIA - Sophia-Antipolis, France
List of reviewers for Issue 1
List of reviewers for Issue 10
List of reviewers for Issue 11
List of reviewers for Issue 12
List of reviewers for Issue 13