All articles are reviewed by independent referees from among the best international specialists on the subject. They read the article to guarantee its value, positioning, soundness, the technical quality of its content, its scientific basis, its references to related works, and its clarity. We are grateful to them for this helpful involvement in the success of Aerospace Lab.
We would like to give public thanks to the following referees for the efficiency of their contributions to Issue 9:
Prof. Stephen ANTOLOVICH
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta (GA), USA
Cirimat - CNRS - Toulouse, France
Dr. Jonathan CORMIER
Institu P' - ENSMA Poitiers - Poitiers, France
Dr. Catrin DAVIES
Imperial College - London, UK
Prof. Rodrigue DESMORAT
LMT Cachan - Cachan, France
Dr. Véronique DOQUET
LMS- Ecole Polytecnique - Mines ParisTech - Palaiseau, France
Prof. Fionn DUNNE
Imperial College - London, UK
Dr. Bernard FEDELICH
BAM - Berlin, Germany
Dr. Samuel FOREST
Centre des Matériaux - Mines ParisTech - Evry, France
Prof. Nasr GHONIEM
UCLA Engineering - Los Angeles (CA), USA
Dr. Arnaud LONGUET
Snecma - Villaroche, France
ENSTA - ParisTech - Palaiseau, France
Dr. Matthieu MAZIERE
Centre des Matériaux - Mines ParisTech - Evry, France
University of Liverpool - Liverpool, UK
Prof. Franck MOREL
LAMPA Arts et Metiers - Angers, France
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Hael MUGHRABI
Friedrich-Alexander-University - Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Dr. Johann RANNOU
ONERA - Châtillon, France
Dr. Vincent TAUPIN
CNRS - Univerité Metz - Metz, France
Prof. Alain THIONNET
Université de Bourgogne - Centre des Matériaux Mines ParisTech - Dijon / Evry, France
Ghent University - Zwijnaarde , Belgium
Prof. Hussein ZBIB
Washington State University - Pullman (WA), USA
List of reviewers for Issue 10
List of reviewers for Issue 11
List of reviewers for Issue 12
List of reviewers for Issue 13